NSA Sign In

If you know your sign in details and are within your school or local authority network, then you can access the NSA using the link below:

Sign in

If this is your first visit to the new NSA platform you can check with your Account Manager who will be able to generate an email to you, containing set up details.

Glow sign in

If you are a Glow user and your local authority has made the NSA tile available within your dashboard, then you can log in via Glow.

Problems signing in

If you experience any problems logging in, here are some possible reasons why along with advice on what to do next.

I don’t have my sign in details

You will have one or more Account Managers within your school who will be able to provide you with the help you need.

I have phase one SNSA/MCNG sign in details but these do not seem to be working

You need to set-up new sign in details to access the NSA platform. Contact your Account Manager who will be able to advise.

This link doesn’t work for me

There are some circumstances where you may not be able to access NSA:

I’m using my direct NSA login from outside my school or local authority

  • For security reasons, access to the assessment platform is only available from within Scottish local authority and school networks. Please try again once you are able to get on your local authority or school network.

I cannot find the NSA tile on GLOW

  • Local authorities can add the NSA tile to your Glow Launchpad; it may be that your authority has decided not to deploy the tile at this time. Contact your local authority for further advice.

I’m using GLOW from outside my school or local authority. I’ve clicked the NSA tile but can’t access the assessment platform

  • For security reasons, access to the assessment platform is only available from within Scottish local authority and school networks. Please try again once you are able to get on to your local authority or school network.

I’m using GLOW from inside my school or local authority network. I’ve clicked the NSA tile but can’t access the assessment platform

  • The Glow sign-in method will only work for staff and pupils who are set up within SEEMiS. Please use the Direct NSA sign in method instead.

Still having problems?

If you are still having difficulties signing in, contact the NSA service desk, which is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am until 5pm - Wednesdays, until 6pm (excluding Bank Holidays). The service desk operators will be able to answer your questions regarding the signing in process or any other queries you may have about the platform. You can contact the Service Desk by telephone on 0330 403 0041 or via email support@nsa.scot.

If you would like to raise your query in Gaelic, could we please request that you do this in writing by emailing support@nsa.scot.